122 year old man joke
The old man explains, "I didn't, I only left $8.00.
The number one reason you know you're getting old…
Old Man's Eye Test. How cruel! Old Man's Eye Test
Dirty Old Man
Old man, take a look at my life, I'm a lot like you, except you have weirder
You are a 21 year old man who walks into a VFW bar, no this is not a joke,
jokes about butts, greeting cards with pictures of butts, an old man sagging
I love old jokes and this week's challenge word made me think of a great old
An old man is driving on a freeway when he gets a call from his wife.
Yeah, yeah… insert old guy jokes here… I'd read Richie Rich,
Tired of the old man jokes
Speaking of “butt of old guy” jokes, there's nothing celestial about Ed

Golf Jokes – golfing with an old man
Funny junk jokes
An old man and woman were married for many years, even though they hated
men-vs-women-mirror-jokes There's an old an adage that when a woman looks at
It's one of the oldest jokes in the book. Old guys love to have their pants
What are you doing?! don't you know how dangerous new jokes are? say
New tech and old jokes. Herb and Jamaal, Shoe, and Six Chix, 8/15/07